Thank you, MCAN!
September 11, 2020Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) has awarded $43,163 in its 10th round of COVID-19 Response Grants to eight organizations in Michigan and guess what?! We are one of them. MCAN grants high schools, Local College Access Networks, community-based nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions support emergent postsecondary projects and programs in their communities.
The Etiquette Series was selected and awarded $10,000 to support 100 students in an effort called “Social Etiquette: Transitional and College Readiness.” This initiative will serve high school youth in the inner city and offer resources to guide them through the transition to college.
TES would like to express our extreme gratitude and excitement as we begin our Social Etiquette: Transitional and College Readiness program. Check out an overview of this program and its components below.
Social Etiquette: Transitional and Readiness Program
While addressing systemic inequities head-on, The goal of The Etiquette Series College Transitional and Readiness Program is to increase the percentage of Michigan residents with degrees or postsecondary certificates by supporting increased access to postsecondary opportunities for low-income students, students of color, and first-generation college-going students. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and safety guidelines, this program will hold blended (virtual and physical) monthly workshops and events to guide participants through the application, financial aid and transitional phases. Events and workshops are exclusive to registered and active participants only. This program is powered by Michigan College Access Network. To participate in this program, complete registration. Program is open to 100 students and limited to High School Students in the counties of Wayne and Oakland. Registration closes October 31, 2020.
Essay/ Personal Statement Building
Scholarships + Financial Aid Essentials FAFSA Fill-Outs
Financial Literacy/ Money Management
Communication and Public Speaking
College Palooza
Designed to prepare students with tips, hacks, and strategies for a successful freshman year of college. Participants will learn from first-generation college graduates and as well as experienced college access professionals. Here we will physically provide our SUCCESS TOOLKIT, which will outline a schedule of events and action items to help prepare them for their transition. This will include a personal planner, guidebook, FAFSA TO DO LIST.
Spirit WeekEND
Designed to get participants excited for the “Decision/ Commitment Day”
Students will be invited offsite to an event, allowing networking and showing off their chosen school spirit.
Senior Cap and Gown Photos
FREE digital cap and gown photo
FREE digital college decision photo, in future alma mater apparel
Participant Meet-Ups
Designed to influence networking, effective communication, and relationship building.
To learn more about MCAN’s efforts and other awarded organization, visit here.