Teaching youth and underserved urban communities’ essentials to creating a personal and professional lifestyle that coexists with their ultimate goals, TES is a safe space conditioning boys and girls to detest perceived limitations and push beyond fears in order to bring their dreams to fruition. Through community engagement, humanitarian assistance, and free educational events and activities, TES provides youth the necessary exposure to opportunities that equip them with empowering mindsets, progressive skillset, unmatched mentorship and priceless resources. As thriving priorities of TES, social and cultural arts, entrepreneurial training, etiquette coaching, public speaking training, technology courses and mission trips propel youth forward with priceless opportunities, experiences, insight and possibilities.

Bridging The Gap

With loss of government funding, closing of public-school institutions, removal of after school and creative programming and a host of other dire realities, youth in the city of Detroit lack many critical assets that too often lead to preventable and unlikely outcomes for their lives. TES was founded with unwavering dedication to shift this narrative.

At a time when etiquette, decorum and developmental training are lacking within communities where inner-city boys and girls occupy, TES intently reignites its cultural significance and undeniable importance alongside free preparedness that leads youth to positive outcomes. We consistently address the imperative factors driving empowerment and success for children and teens by dismantling hindering beliefs, low self-esteem and lack of opportunity.

TES raises the standard of excellence in Detroit through diligent and moral action that supports our gifted youth. An organization strengthening the resolve of boys and girls, we represent and advocate for the dynamic children who will emerge as the resilient and faith-forward achievers and leaders of the future.

There’s a radical – and wonderful – new idea here… that all children could and should be inventors of their own theories, critics of other people’s ideas, analyzers of evidence, and makers of their own personal marks on the world. Its an idea with revolutionary implications. If we take it seriously.