April 27, 2020

Getting into the habit of following etiquette rules in everyday life gives adolescents the benefit of increased development and trust. Parents and educators have been found to favor youngsters hanging out with kids who display good manners and responsibility. Acting on fundamental behavior rules helps teenagers excel in everyday life. 

Teenagers who want more friends and an enriched social life can overcome the difficulties of peer pressure by mastering adult skills. Etiquette is one of them. Parents can help their teenagers by listening and answering questions as they arise and without being judgmental. Often, questions teens ask may seem basic to adults, but it can make a huge difference in whatever issues your teen is facing.

Etiquette skills can help teenagers as they continue mental and physical development. If followed properly, these skills can assist with the transition into adulthood and help both parents and teens feel comfortable about the transition.

Practice implementing these etiquette rules while staying at home with your teenagers.

  1. How to introduce yourself and others properly.
  2. How to answer a phone politely.
  3. How to write a thank you letter.
  4. How to give a compliment to someone else.
  5. Never comment on someone’s appearance unless it’s to say something nice.
  6. Always help someone in need, particularly if they are less able than you are.
  7. Be aware of positive body language and how to show it.
  8. Never to call an adult by their first name unless the adult instructs them to do so.
  9. Always knock on a door before opening it.
  10. How to invite someone to join a group if they are alone.